
Materials and Manufacturing

16514 Factors16514 Factor
194 Regions194 Region
10 Sources10 Source
4819 Activities4819 Activity

Categories related to Materials and Manufacturing

Sources related to Materials and Manufacturing

  • Go to UK Government (BEIS, DEFRA, DESNZ)

    UK Government (BEIS, DEFRA, DESNZ)

    The UK Government issues emission conversion factors for use by UK and international organisations to report on greenhouse gas emissions. The key responsible departments / agencies are / were: BEIS , DEFRA, DESNZ and NAEI.

  • Go to CBAM


    The European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a regulatory tool designed to measure carbon emissions attributed to the production of high-carbon goods imported into the EU, aiming to promote cleaner practices in industrial production across non-EU countries. To this end, the European Commission publishes emission factors providing the necessary metrics for compliance and environmental integrity.

  • Go to Circular Ecology

    Circular Ecology

    Circular Ecology offers resource efficiency services, including carbon footprinting, water footprinting, life cycle assessment (LCA), circular economy and general resource efficiency.

  • Go to Climate TRACE

    Climate TRACE

    Climate TRACE (Tracking Real-Time Atmospheric Carbon Emissions) is a collaborative initiative aimed at providing precise, real-time tracking of global greenhouse gas emissions using artificial intelligence, satellite image processing and other remote sensing technologies along with academic research and publicly available data.

  • Go to ecoinvent


    ecoinvent is a Swiss not-for-profit association that provides a Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) database that supports various types of sustainability assessments. This data enables users to gain a deeper understanding of the environmental impacts of their products and services.

  • Go to U.S. Government (EPA)

    U.S. Government (EPA)

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the United States government agency that provides regularly updated default emission factors for organisational greenhouse gas reporting in the United States.

Emission Factors in Materials and Manufacturing

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