

1511 Factors1511 Factor
59 Regions59 Region
6 Sources6 Source
951 Activities951 Activity

Categories related to Equipment

Sources related to Equipment

  • Go to UK Government (BEIS, DEFRA, DESNZ)

    UK Government (BEIS, DEFRA, DESNZ)

    The UK Government issues emission conversion factors for use by UK and international organisations to report on greenhouse gas emissions. The key responsible departments / agencies are / were: BEIS , DEFRA, DESNZ and NAEI.

  • Go to ecoinvent


    ecoinvent is a Swiss not-for-profit association that provides a Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) database that supports various types of sustainability assessments. This data enables users to gain a deeper understanding of the environmental impacts of their products and services.

  • Go to U.S. Government (EPA)

    U.S. Government (EPA)

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the United States government agency that provides regularly updated default emission factors for organisational greenhouse gas reporting in the United States.

  • Go to EXIOBASE


    EXIOBASE is a global, detailed Multi-Regional Environmentally Extended Supply-Use Table (MR-SUT) and Input-Output Table (MR-IOT). It was developed by harmonising and detailing supply-use tables for a large number of countries, estimating emissions and resource extractions by industry. Subsequently, the country supply-use tables were linked via trade creating an MR-SUT and producing MR-IOTs from this. The MR-IOT can be used for the analysis of the environmental impacts associated with the final consumption of product groups.

  • Go to Market Economics Limited

    Market Economics Limited

    Market Economics Limited is an independent New Zealand-based consultancy that specialises in market and economic analysis and environmental and ecological research.



    The German Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development, and Building provides the OEKOBAUDAT, an extensive database of emission factors for materials and equipment used in construction and building design.

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